2018 IWE 4WD hub issue

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Feb 10, 2019
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Noticed some humming coming from the front end. Checked the wheel bearings and the usual culprits which were all normal. This lead me to check out the IWE system.

I checked both front IWEs with my suction pump and both hold pressure and disengage appropriately. So those seem good.

Next I went to trouble shoot the vacuum lines. I’m getting good suction on the drivers side line, and the drivers side IWE stays unlocked in 2WD. However the passenger side vacuum line doesn’t have any suction while in 2WD. And is locking up that IWE.

I can’t figure out for the life of me why one side would have suction, but not the other. To me it looks like one continuous run of tubing. If there was a hole anywhere in the vacuum lines wouldn’t both sides lose suction?

What am I missing??