Will my 03 get repoed?

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Full Access Members
Jul 4, 2009
Reaction score
san diego
I hope not.

So ive had this truck since brand new, only 37000 miles on it. Its the longest vehicle I ever had. Of course money is very tight and I havent been working for a few months and im very concerned about missing a payment, especially since last month I got a letter saying they arent doing the auto payment withdraw anymore, but sent me another form to fill out to go through a new company. Since I never wrote a check to make a payment I had no address, or website or anything to find out this info, but luckily they sent a form for me. I was freaking out thinking this is a way to make you miss a payment and then because of the economy they will come snatch it up, or demand full payment.

So im transferring from savings into checking the final payout and when it clears im mailing in the final check in a few days.:) So unless something happens and I cant send in the payment it will be payed off soon. Of course now I will have to find out how to cancel the auto pay so I dont get hit again for a payment when its payed off, thats happened before and it takes weeks to get a check back.

Finally it will be paid off after 6 years.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2005
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you half to miss two payments before they repo the truck so i think your good


Jul 28, 2009
Reaction score
South Carolina
Negative there on the missing two payments. If you have ever been late in the past, and the company has sent you a right to cure, they do not have to send you any more notification. If you are past your late payment grace period (usually around 15 days depending on your financial institution), they can just send a repo man for it. HOWEVER, if you are planning on paying it off and are worried about a repo, just park it in the back yard INSIDE A FENCE, or a garage. They can't take it from a locked area. If you actually catch them trying to repo your truck, call the cops. You are allowed a "peaceful reposession" and they will have to drop the truck on the spot if you make a big fuss about it. Otherwise it is considered a breach of peace. I was in the repo business a while back, and am now a police officer, so I get to see both sides of it. Good luck, and hopefully everything will turn out ok. Oh, if you haven't missed a payment in the past to where you received the right to cure notice, then you should be ok. They have to wait 30 days before sending that out.