Towing question

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Full Access Members
Jul 29, 2021
Reaction score
I have looked all over, and yes there is plenty of info but I'm confused about my specific situation. I have a 2013 ford expedition el with the hd towing, I want to rent a trailer to tow my 07 expedition that weighs 6000 lbs from AZ to CA. Can it be done? All information is appreciated because I have never towed another vehicle before.

chuck s

Full Access Members
Dec 20, 2006
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Chesterfield, VA (that's south of Richmond, y'all)
Some sentimental background regarding a 22-year old Expedition? :)

The only UHaul car trailer I see tops out at 5290 pounds -- maybe a ton low -- so that doesn't seem to work. Putting the '02 on a car trailer you need to keep the combined (freight) truck, the trailer itself, and passengers and cargo weights in the tow vehicle down. All weight in the towing vehicle subtracts from it's 9000 pound towing capacity which is computed when it's empty.

a. Can your 2007 be flat towed (all 4 wheels on the pavement)? The linked towing guide notes the 2013 can pull 9,000 pounds and it's my guess the 2003 weighs no more than 7000 pounds completely empty.

b. Ya gonna be able to stop this rig if you can, lights, etc.? For a one-time event this could be complicated but appears within the capabilities of your 2013.

-- Chuck