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  1. M

    AC Blower issues on 2021

    Just as a follow up, we took our vehicle into the shop and it ended up be the Schrader valves that needed to be replaced. Once that was done it was working a lot better.
  2. M

    AC Blower issues on 2021

    Thank you all for the responses. That Service Bulletin sounds exactly what our issue was/is. @ccssid Did the fix the dealer do resolve your issue? Did they charge you for it?
  3. M

    AC Blower issues on 2021

    Hello All, Seems recently that my wife's 2021 Expedition's AC has been working strangely. When you first start the vehicle the blower settings work as you would expect. Blower on 1 blows soft and increases speed as you increase the blower setting. Only recently if you put it on say 3 or 4 it...