Ford Revises / Pulls Back EV Rollout Schedule

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Full Access Members
Mar 26, 2019
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All the low hanging fruit customer has been picked.
I think this is the key. As for EV's the individual consumers stars must align. The big hurdle is city parking. It is great if you can charge at home, the use of EV charges in parking garages and assigned parking is expensive and limited, and for those stuck parking on city streets or public lots charging requires a visit and time to a charging station. Range and northern tier temperatures are also a challenge. Finally, most people that own EVs have another car for family trips or long haul.

So, the EV consumer needs a home, available overnight charging, warmer weather, and short trips. ICE vehicles have evolved to the point where one vehicle can serve this broad range effectively. As for cost, EVs, charging infrastructure, and government taxes to make up for the loss of revenue from the gas taxes will make cost differences irrelevant. Insurance costs and the concern of even minor damage to battery units are already a factor.

My guess long term is that EVs will eventually be cost equivalent to ICE vehicles unless the government, as they do now, attempt to drive the cost of ICE vehicles artificially high. Unless the use case problems are solved for EVs, at best, most people will still own an ICE vehicle to deal with the ownership problems of an EV. I may be wrong, and some who love their EVs will disagree, but a lot of lifestyle limitations and compromises are made if the EV is the only car in the household.


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2024
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I have a feeling this debate will be going on for quite some time, but for now, EV's have too many downsides (already mentioned earlier) to make them worthy of consideration for the majority of people, and until all of those are completely resolved, their market appeal will go absolutely NOWHERE....

Perhaps if the friggin oil companies had not stopped from being produced back in the 70's, we would not be in this mess now :(