Not start no turn over after deer collision

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Full Access Members
Nov 20, 2012
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Ft Lauderdale
There should be a week and year stamped on top of the negative post. If it’s more than 5 years old I’d replace it with a new group 65 battery. The Walmart batteries are pretty good for the money.


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2019
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Well they totaled the Expedition so I guess we will never know.

Thanks for the help
BTW I was betting that it was the wire where the fusible link is. Just didn't want to get yelled at about how dumb and impossible that would be :p


Full Access Members
Dec 22, 2016
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Go in the trunk, pop the panel near the driver's side taillight, press the fuel cutoff switch inside and try again

It's an oversensitive system designed to prevent fuel fires, if it senses any kind of impact it shuts off the fuel pump until the button is pressed.


Full Access Members
Mar 10, 2012
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Temple, Georgia
How is a tripped inertia switch going to keep the starter from turning when it only cuts power to the fuel pump?

Bedrck47 is stirring in me......

Frank Swygert

Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2019
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Gilbert, SC
Alternator won't keep the vehicle running by itself, not a modern vehicle! If the battery voltage drops much below 10V (sometimes 9V) it won't run. Since it runs with the jump pack, I'd suspect the battery is bad.

If the damage isn't too bad and you're a bit handy with doing some of the work yourself, ask the insurance company what the pay-out would be if you kept the wreck and fix it yourself. This only works well if you plan on keeping and using the vehicle, as it will have a salvage title and further reduced value after. As long as you can drive the value out of it who cares if it would be harder to sell or reduced value with a salvage title? That might hinder plans to fix and sell though.


2.5 Months Ltr, and Final Bill 22K+
Jun 5, 2019
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Fond du Lac, WI United States
Somem else gos on wth dem, battrys, specialy if dey be lead acid, kinds been round for, well, rekon, since the Model T. Thems geetin better, but inneards aint changed much. Take er stump jumping couple weekends in a row, see how long dat new battry lasts! Seriously though, I hope you didn't leave any blood on the pavement? Problem with batteries since the beginning of time, the lead plates inside them. They last longer of you only cruse the boulevard, the rougher they ride, the sooner they die. The newer, very expensive, $300.00+ for my 2016 Expy, batteries, with the round cells, looks like you have a half dozen tall boys when you carry it out of the store. The way they are built is totally different from what we are used to seeing, no plates for one thing. Never looked inside one, you can't, but the stuff inside is wound real tight so it wont cause issues and is less prone to vibration and shock, a simpletons explanation. They take abuse far better than the mainstream, old school, square ones on the market. Don't know how my new one is going to last, just replaced the never replaced one in my 2016. In 2012 I replaced the one in my 2006 Excursion with one of the six pack kind, it was still going strong when I sold it this passed spring. However, there is a trick, don't just buy the cheapest one that fits your truck, unless it has deep cycle, like marine batteries kind of, capability. Not only do these things suck gas, they will drink all the juice out of a regular battery, depending on what else you have in the truck wanting volts when the engine is off, in about a week and a half. I got sick of that with the Excursion, swapped the battery out for a six pack, deep cycle, truck battery. I only had to make sure to start it every three weeks or so to keep it topped up, and the electrical vampires happy.