Upper Control Arm Hitting Brake Line and IWE Vacuum Line After Leveling Kit

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Apr 5, 2024
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ
Hi All,

I've done some research on this but haven't seen any previous posts documenting the issue I'm having.

Short Version:

I put on a 2.5" RC leveling kit and when the suspension is at full extension, the upper control arms hit the metal brake lines (in the attached pic, when the upper control rotates downward, the right side of it hits the brake line on the side of the strut tower). What do I do?

Long Version:

The Issue: (see attached screen shot, when the upper control extends down, the right side hits the brake line)

I put a 2.5" RC leveling kit on my rig and didn't notice any issues until I needed to jack it up for some other work. Before the front tire actually left the ground, I noticed the upper control arm contacting the metal brake line and pinched the vacuum line for the IWE on the rear side of the strut tower. Once I saw that, I dropped jack to inspect the situation. The brake lines on both sides were already slightly bent away from the nice factory 90 degree angles (likely from when the suspension fully extended after bouncing over terrain on an off road test run of the leveling kit).

My Concern:
1) Brake Line: Since the control arms hit that section of the brake line before full extension, that means the damage is not already 100% done and I can't just take the bent lines as a problem that fixed itself. They will continue to be bent back and forth when hitting terrain until that fatigue leads to a failure of my brakes which I personally would like to avoid.
2) Vacuum hose: Less dramatically, the Vacuum hose will continue to get munched as well.

Partial Fix (vacuum hose):
I had a leak in the vacuum line leading to the driver's side IWE which caused the IWE to get the living hell beat out of it (pre existing problem to the leveling kit). So, while replacing the vacuum line I didn't use the plastic fastener that holds it where it's supposed to be, next to the strut tower. I zip tied it somewhere else that takes it out of harms way but still gives it the slack it needs when at full lock left/right and at full extension of the suspension.

Where I Need Help (brake line):
The reason I was jacking up the vehicle was to replace the IWE on the diver's side. So, I said screw it and jacked it up and replaced the IWE. While I was in there, I tried to re-adjust the upper control arm thinking that might help it sit up higher. Being the shade tree mechanic that I am, that did absolutely nothing. Once I dropped it, the upper control arm reset right back to where it wanted to be.

The brake line issue persists and is arguably exasperated by my fix of the vacuum hose because the vacuum hose added some sacrificial cushion between the upper control arm and that mounting point next to the strut tower much like a bump stop.

Any Suggestions?


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