Goodbye For Now

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Well-Known Member
May 12, 2023
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Greenville, SC
Well, after an unfortunate and almost "Final Destination" like event Friday evening, the Expy is no longer for me. My wife and kids went to a local venue to enjoy ice cream and entertainment while I went out to a work function. The lot they parked in had a huge tree in the middle of it. Well one of the branches that was about the size of a normal tree decided to let go about 90 seconds after they walked away from the truck. So I'm extremely fortunately that nobody was injured or even worse. Crushed and cut out roof and LR door area as well as totaling out another 4-5 cars in the row. Some others were luckier if you will as they only suffered scratches or a damaged windshield. The tree was rotted out on the inside even though there's life on the outside.

I hope this isn't the end of the Expedition journey as I truly liked this truck a lot. I had more plans for it as time would come (lift, performance, etc.). Right now it's waiting on the insurance to give their feedback (holiday weekend), and taking next steps to recover lost property value.

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Full Access Members
Nov 12, 2018
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Houston, TX
Glad no one was injured, that could have been way worse.

Stuff like this is why I don't purchase new cars anymore. My first new car was a 2000 Ford Focus that I purchased when I was around 20 years old. I knew about depreciation, but planned to drive it until the wheels came off. It got flooded in a tropical storm one year after I purchased it. Hope you can find a suitable replacement vehicle!


Full Access Members
Dec 20, 2020
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Oviedo FL
I am sorry to say, that will not buff out. By the way there are private insurance adjusters who will fight for every dime (less their fee ~$300) from your insurer. You should hold fast. Also there could be liability on the part of the venue if anyone ever reported the tree was sick to owner, city etc.


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2024
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So glad nobody was hurt, but unfortunately for the Expy, well, she's a gonner for sure, cause that damage would cost ALOT to repair, probably almost as much as it is worth....what a sad way for it to go :(

OTOH, assuming you have full coverage insurance, you should be able to get almost of it's value back in the settlement, but you may have to either wait for you insurance to work something out with the property owners, or get what you can from the insurance and deal with the property owners on your own, which may or may not require the assistance of a lawyer....

Probably would be a worth a 15-min consultation either way :)

Good luck, and here's looking forward to your next post with pics of a brand new vehicle !

I know your pain, as I had 3 really nice vehicles (2016 Acadia, 2014 Caddy, and a 2008 Impala) totaled out by a freak hailstorm in 2022 while parked in our driveway, on thanksgiving day no less, and thankfully, the insurance company was very easy to deal with (gee, imagine that) and gave me almost as much as I had originally paid for them...

This made me a little concerned, since our house also suffered major siding, deck & roof damage too, and I was just waiting for them to drop da hamma on me for that part....but I got their write up the next day, got 2 estimates from quality contractors I had used in years past, and they just sent me the higher of the 2 amounts....

What a relief !


Full Access Members
Jul 3, 2021
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Yorktown NY & Jupiter FL
Glad no one was in it, especially in that drivers side rear seat. Looks totaled to me. Body structure bent and twisted, obviously on the drivers side but also on the pass side where you can see the front door mis-alignment. Even if they did not total it, you would not want it back after a major crunch like that.


Full Access Members
Dec 14, 2013
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Remember your insurance company is not your friend. In most states they are liable for any sales tax you paid at time of sale.